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*Discount automatically applied. T&Cs apply
*Discount automatically applied. T&Cs apply
*Discount automatically applied. T&Cs apply
*Discount automatically applied. T&Cs apply
Welch Allyn Connex ProBP 3400 Digital Blood Pressure Device - Mobile Stand (34XFST-4)
Regular priceSmall enough to fit in your hand, with the same accuracy as Welch Allyn industry-leading vital signs devices, the ProBP 3400 digital blood pressure device is a smart choice for clinicians in just about every medical setting.
A&D Medical UA-704 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (UA-704)
Regular priceThe UA-704 has an innovative "Palm Top" style that makes monitoring your blood pressure easy. The ergonomically designed monitor fits in your palm so you can start your BP measurement easily.
The IHB sensor, pioneered by A&D indicates when a user has an irregular heartbeat. If the indicator shows regularly during measurement, A&D recommend that you contact your doctor. (NOTE: this is not a diagnostic instrument and should be used only as an indicator.)
Welch Allyn ProBP 2400 Digital Blood Pressure Device (2400)
Regular priceThe Welch Allyn ProBP 2400 is not a typical electronic blood pressure device. It is an affordable, professional device that you can trust to accurately measure your patientsÕ blood pressures despite many common underlying circumstances. The ProBP 2400 is specifically designed for practices like yours. It gives you the quality, durability and features you donÕt get from home blood pressure devices that are mainly designed for general household use, which some practices resort to because of cost. It provides you consistent technique thatÕs not assured with manual blood pressure gauges. And it does so at a budget-friendly price that other professional blood pressure monitors with the same features donÕt offer.
A&D Medical UB-542XL Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor (UB-542)
Regular priceOmron RS2 - Blood Pressure Monitor (HEM-6161-E)
Regular priceThe OMRON RS2 wrist blood pressure monitor is fully automatic and provides an easy and convenient way to check your blood pressure. It features OMRON's Intellisense technology which determines the optimum speed and pressure for gentle inflation and deflation for a more comfortable experience.
Large Cuff for Omron MIT Elite Plus Blood Pressure Monitor (32-42cm)
Regular priceRiester ri-champion N Digital Blood Pressure Monitor with Adult Cuff (1725-145)
Regular priceThe ri-championå¨ N is a fully automatic digital blood pressure monitor for precise and fast measurement. This clinically validated device according to BHS standard A/A is easy to use and offers irregular heartbeat recognition with pulse tone, date and time.
A&D Medical UA-1020 Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Atrial Fibrillation Screening & Medium Cuff (UA1020-A/FIBPLUS)
Regular priceAtrial Fibrillation and Stroke
Omron 907 Professional Blood Pressure Monitor (OM907)
Regular priceThe Omron 907 Professional has been designed for clinical settings where more control is required. The Omron 907 features bothÊautomatic and manual modes, enabling accurate blood pressure measurement even in patients with conditions such as severe arrhythmia, which prevent the use of other automatic blood pressure monitors.
AnÊadvanced averaging modeÊautomatically takes three readings within ten minutes to give an accurate reading with less chance for error. This allows the clinician to continue their assessment while the monitor is working, also helping to alleviate whitecoat tension.
Included are both rechargeable batteries and an AC adaptor for improved versatility.Ê
To further reduce the effects of white coat hypertension, the Omron 907 has aÊhide functionÊthat stops the current blood pressure being displayed. Results are recorded as with normal the normal display mode.
A built-inÊcheck functionÊallows the blood pressure monitor to be compared with another device for accuracy of readings.
Omron RS4 - Automatic Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor (HEM-6181-E)
Regular priceBP A1 EASY Blood Pressure Monitor (BPA1)
Regular priceA1 Easy is the smallest and easiest to use automated upper arm blood pressure
OMRON EVOLV - Smartphone Compatible Wireless Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor (HEM-7600T-E)
Regular priceAlexa Compatible. Made In Japan.
OMRON EVOLV - The new, easy to use, All in One Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor. Take accurate readings in any position around the upper arm1 & track progress via smartphone.
Product features:
Why should I use a scale and body composition monitor?
No more guesswork
Our Cuff Wrap Guide lets you know if your cuff is wrapped correctly - not too loose, nor too tight.
This device is compatible with OMRON connect. To see a list of smartphones tested with OMRON connect, please click here.
1. Bilo G et al. Hypertens Res 2017. 40(6): 573-580.
2. Asmar R et al. Validation of the HEM-7134-E & HEM-7600T-E in Pregnancy according to the Modified European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH-IP). France. 2017; Manuscript in preparation.
Omron HBP-1320 Blood Pressure Monitor (HBP-1320-E(UK))
Regular priceThe HBP-1320 upper arm blood pressure monitor for healthcare professionals is easy to use, has a rugged design, and an integrated handle that makes carrying easier. With fully automatic oscillometric measurement.The gauge comes with a range of nylon and polyester sanitizable sleeves. The scope of supply includes a measuring device, an M-cuff (22 - 32 cm), an L-cuff (32 - 42 cm), AC adapter, rechargeable battery,instructions for use and a warranty card. If the patient has an irregular heartbeat that could corrupt the reading, an icon appears on the large LCD screen. In addition, the device can be reset by the zero display.
Omron Extra Large Blood Pressure Cuff For HBP-1120/1320 (42-50cm)
Regular priceOmron M7 Intelli IT 360 Degree Accuracy Connected Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor (HEM-7361T-EBK)
Regular priceThe OMRON M7 Intelli IT comes with the Intelli Wrap Cuff - the easy way to get accurate results. It detects the possibility of Atrial fibrillation, enabling home monitoring of the condition and giving you peace of mind. It also is compatible with our unique app Omron connect which allows you to track and share your health data.
M7 intelli IT has a dual screen, letting you compare your latest results with other daily readings and your weekly averages.
Press and hold the start button for 2 seconds. The device will measure your blood pressure and detect AFib with a high specificity and sensitivity.
Wrap the cuff at least one finger above your elbow line. During inflation, the cuff wrap guide will signal if the cuff is on correctly.
OMRONÕs unique pre-formed, Intelli Wrap Cuff makes it virtually impossible to place the cuff incorrectly around the upper arm
Omron M2 Basic Blood Pressure Monitor
Regular price