Echoplex Plexus & Nerve Block Needle (Luer) - Pack of 20
Regular priceEchoplex Plexus & Nerve Block Needle (Luer) - Pack of 20
Echoplex plexus blocks and peripheral nerve block needle
Echoplex ultrasound visible nerve block needle with 20 degree bevel with nerve stimulation
Product Summary
Echoplex 21G x 85mm ultrasound visible nerve block needle with 20 degree bevel with nerve stimulation
Echoplex+ is a needle for plexus blocks and peripheral nerve blocks allowing to locate the plexus or nerve either under ULTRASOUND or with ELECTRO-NEURO-STIMULATION.
- Needle with a 20¡ bevel with an insulating coating on its entire length, only the tip of the bevel is conductive. This coating includes multiple microscopic glass beads intensifying ultrasound reflection and making Echoplex+ echogenic right to the tip of the needle.
- Echoplex+ is available in 7 lengths (from 25 mm to 150 mm). The centimetre markings over the entire length of the needle allows to control at any time the length inserted. A broader mark indicates 5 cm and a double mark indicates 10 cm.
- Echoplex+ comprises an electrical cord (60 cm long) with a female connector and a removable transparent extension tube (50 cm long) to allow injection of the local anaesthetic.
- Echoplex+ has an ergonomic hub allowing a good hold. Its transparency makes it possible to quickly detect a possible reflux of blood during the aspiration test.
Product Components
20 degree bevel
Technical Info
UOI Units: Box
UOI: 20
Contains Latex: No
Contains DEHP: No
Pyrogen Free: No
Sterile Medical Device: Yes