Sterile BP Grade Cotton Wool Balls
Regular priceSterile BP Grade Cotton Wool Balls
For tending to smaller injuries or areas to clean up, use the Sterile BP Grade Cotton Wool Balls (Pack of 5) as a part of your wound cleaning process. Compact in sizes and hugely versatile, hospital grade cotton wool balls are a must-have provision for many businesses and facilities.
Strong, Absorbent Fibres
Absorbency is essential in any cotton wool product, as otherwise cotton wool does not work effectively in absorbing creams and liquids while cleansing.
These Sterile Cotton Wool Balls are BP grade, meaning that they contain strong fibres that easily permeate traces of moisture, so that any cuts, scrapes or wounds can be treated effectively.
Versatile in Use
Cotton Wool Balls offer a multitude of practical uses that range from medical to cosmetic. They prove typically popular in health care environments as they are gentle to use on the skin and not as likely to cause any irritation when treating wounds or rashes, or when adding extra padding to injuries.
Designed for Smaller Casualties
These Cotton Wool Balls comply to the quality standards set by the British Pharmacopoeia for UK medical supplies. The wool balls are designed to attend to smaller injuries.