Harvest Vigilant Mattress Pressure Pad Alarm System with Control Box
Regular priceHarvest Vigilant Mattress Pressure Pad Alarm System with Control Box
Patient safety is the first priority for every good medical care team, and so extensive steps should be taken to make sure carers can respond as quickly and efficiently as possible in the event of an injury or emergency. The Harvest Vigilant Mattress Pressure Pad Alarm System with Control Box is designed for this purpose, alerting carers if their patient falls out of or leaves their bed.
Key Features
Reduce the likelihood of patient falls and injury
Control Box allows it to function as a standalone system
Ready to connect to existing nurse call system
Compact and cost efficient
Adjustable volume with silent mode
Delayed alarm mode is available
Can be battery operated for use in any situation
Sounds alert when patient is detected leaving their bed
Compatible with most nurse call systems
Designed with patient safety as a priority
Harvest Underbed Light is an excellent addition
Additional Mono and Stereo to Mono leads available
Reduces Patient Falls
This system was primarily designed with the aim of reducing patient falls in care and community home settings. The pressure pad fits underneath a mattress, detecting any time the patient leaves their bed. The system then alerts the carers to check on the patient, reducing the likelihood of falls and subsequent injury.
Standalone Fall Reduction System
With the included Control Box, your system will be able to function without access to a nurse call system, making it suitable for use in smaller care environments. Excellent for home care and small care homes, the Control Box makes your pad much more versatile and adaptable.
Connects to Nurse Call System
The Harvest Vigilant Mattress Pressure Pad Alarm System is compatible with most nurse call systems and is available with additional Mono or Stereo to Mono leads, which can be selected for purchase above. A additional monitor is included with the system, providing alerts to carers in the immediate facility as well as over the nurse call system.
Easy to Use
This mattress pressure pad has been designed to be as easy to use as possible, with simple connection to any nurse call system. The volume of the alarm is fully adjustable, making it suitable for a range of environments and patient needs. Finally, the mat can be battery operated, making it highly versatile for use in virtually any situation.
For a truly comprehensive system, the Harvest Underbed Light is an excellent addition to this system. This light will automatically illuminate the floor once movement is detected around the bed, boosting both patient safety and response efficacy.