CPAP Boussignac Respiratory Assistance Kit
Regular priceCPAP Boussignac Respiratory Assistance Kit
CPAP Boussignac single use kit is a respiratory assistance device for patients with spontaneous ventilation allowing maintenance in the airways of a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure during the entire respiratory cycle.
Product Summary
CPAP Boussignac adolescent single use kit is a respiratory assistance device for patients with spontaneous ventilation allowing maintenance in the airways of a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure during the entire respiratory cycle.
The CPAP mode of ventilation allows:
- To recruit collapsed alveoles
- To restore a satisfactory level of functional residual capacity
- To improve gas exchange at the level of the alveolocapillary membrane
- to decrease pulmonary resistance
- To decrease the work of breathing
- To redistribute the alveolar liquid to the interstitial space in case of acute pulmonary oedema
The Boussignac CPAP and its manometer connector is a device for connection to a face mask with its 22 mm male connector, the crenellated upper part remaining open to the air.
This device comprises 2 lateral ports:
- The upper port is preconnected to a an extension tube (length 200 cm) for connection to an air or oxygen source
- The bottom port (colourless translucent) allows:
. controlling pressure (use manometer code 527.01),
. an additional oxygen supply if the gas administered to the patient via the upper port is air,
. CO2 monitoring.
How it works:
The gases administered to the patient (air, air-oxygen mixture or pure oxygen) pass through the extension tube and arrive in a circular chamber where the gases can only escape into the central zone passing through 4 micro-channels. At that moment, the injection speed of the gases is greatly increased. Deflector at the exit site of the micro-channels eject the gases arriving at high speed towards the opposite wall.
The collision of gas molecules between themselves generates a turbulence which creates a virtual valve and simultaneously the speed of gases is transformed in pressure. This pressure depends directly on the flowrate: if the flowrate (the amount of gas injected) is increased, the pressure will increase; if the flowrate is decreased, the pressure will decrease.
N.B. It is possible to connect the Boussignac CPAP to an endotracheal tube or to a tracheostomy tube using the adaptor code 555.01 together with an artificial nose such as Hygroflux code 501.01.
*Codes 5562.300/400/500/600: Odorless mask.
*Codes 5562.303/403/503/603: Vanilla scented mask.
Product Components
The CPAP Boussignac set includes:
- 1 CPAP Boussignac with a 200 cm long green extension tube and with a 50 cm long extension tube to connect the Boussignac CPAP to a manometer.
-1 face mask (available in 4 sizes) :
. one ÒadolescentÓ mask code 5562.300/303*
. one Òadult-small sizeÓ mask code 5562.400/403*
. one Òadult-medium sizeÓ mask code 5562.500/503*
. one Òadult-large sizeÓ mask code 5562.600/603*
- 1 fixation harness code. 5559.01
Technical Information
UOI Units: Box
UOI: 1
Contains Latex: No
Contains DEHP: No
Pyrogen Free: No
Sterile Medical Device:ÊNo