Multicath Expert 5 Highflow UP - Pack of 5
Regular priceMulticath Expert 5 Highflow UP
12Fr Multicath Expert Highflow Up quin lumen catheter
Introducing the highflow multicath UP range. Focusing on ease of use and patient welfare, VygonÕs highflow
catheters deliver efficient, effective care whilst protecting
clinicians from the risks of sharps injuries
Product Summary
12.5cm x 12Fr Multicath Expert Highflow Up quin lumen catheter
Introducing the highflow multicath UP range
The multicath UP range of highflow catheters are dedicated to patients experiencing imminent blood loss
associated with accident, major surgery or for those in intensive care with multiple injuries or sepsis.
This close-up focus on the multicath3 UP kits highlights the key features of the multicath UP range:
¥ Catheter with or without silver ion-incorporated polyurethane
¥ Choice of catheter lengths from 12.5cm to 20cm seldisafe¨ safety needles with optimised, echogenic properties
¥ Anti-kink Teflon-coated nitinol safety J guide wire with additional ECG marking and single-hand introduction
¥ ECG cable combcard¨ for accurate catheter tip location
¥ Safety scalpel
¥ Universal IV dead end caps
¥ Fixation wing
¥ Syringe, 5ml
¥ Dilator.
Technical Info
UOI Units: Box
UOI: 5
Contains Latex: No
Contains DEHP: No
Pyrogen Free: Yes
Sterile Medical Device: Yes