Spinal Tray (Luer) - Pack of 20

Spinal Tray (Luer) - Pack of 20


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Spinal Tray (Luer) - Pack of 20

Spinal_ procedure pack with 25g whitacre needle x 90mm and introducer

Spinal_/_epidural procedure pack with 25g whitacre needle x 90mm and introducer

Product Summary

Basic spinal_/_epidural procedure pack with 25g whitacre needle x 90mm and introducer

Product Components

Set contains:
- 1 Whitacre needle 25 G Ð 90 mm,
- 1 introducer needle 20 G Ð 38 mm Ð with stainless steel hub
- 1 tray,
- 1 syringe Luer 3, 5 and 10 ml,
- 1 adhesive fenestred drape 70 x 45 cm,
- 1 gallipot,
- 1 forceps (kocher type),
- 4 ball swabs (little model),
- 2 ball swabs (large model),
- 1 filter needle 5 µm,
- 2 hypodermic needles 25G and 21G,
- 1 towel 30 x 40 cm,
- 1 cover drape 75 x 90 cm.

Technical Info

UOI Units: Each

UOI: 1

Contains Latex: No

Contains DEHP: No

Pyrogen Free: Yes

Sterile Medical Device: Yes