Zoll AED Plus Defibrillator with LCD Display
Regular priceZoll AED Plus Defibrillator with LCD Display
The ZOLL AED Plus® does more than just defibrillate. It is the only AED that ensures infrequent rescuers respond appropriately whilst resuscitating a victim of sudden cardiac arrest. How? It coaches them quickly and simply through every important step of the rescue process. With integrated text, voice, and visual prompts and real-time feedback on compression rate and depth to administer high quality CPR. If the CPR giver is not pushing hard enough, the Zoll AED PLUS will advise on screen and through audio to ‘push harder’, if pushing hard enough the Zoll AED PLUS will confirm ‘Good Compressions’. A metronome ensures that compresses will be at the correct rate per minute as advised by the Resuscitation Council RC(UK). The Zoll AED PLUS will prompt the rescuer to start CPR or to continue if the rescuer stops or slows down. Only the AED Plus with its exclusive, one-piece electrode can measure the rate and depth of chest compressions during CPR. Only the AED Plus ensures rescuers can perform the most effective CPR. Every victim of SCA needs the best possible CPR to survive.
Features & Benefits:
Supports the entire chain of survival with easy-to-understand audio prompts and visual icons.
Real CPR Help®with instant feedback on the rate and depth of chest compressions during CPR
Uses off-the-shelf lithium camera batteries (Duracell 123a) 5 year battery life
Easy-to-place, one-piece electrode - CPR-D•padz™ 5 year shelf life
7-year warranty (5 years as standard, 2 years free upon registration)
Rugged design that resists dust and water (IP55 rating)
Intelligent paediatric capability with pedi•padz II® electrodes
Resuscitation Council (UK), European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines 2005 compliance
Automatic self-testing assures constant state of readiness
Supplied with:
Passive airway support lid
CPR-D-padz® electrode
First responder prep kit - Comprising of a CPR barrier mask, scissors, disposable gloves, a prep razor, a towel and a moist towelette
Operators guide
Carry bag