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*Discount automatically applied. T&Cs apply
*Discount automatically applied. T&Cs apply
Regular priceFor those that are injured or elderly, moving from a sitting to a standing position can be difficult, often leading to risks of accidents and injuries. The Etac Patient Turner Pro is designed to facilitate this process, offering safe patient turning and standing support. This turning aid enables proper posture, while minimising risks of injury for both the patient and the carer.
A common reason for injury during patient transfers is improper posture, which is why it's crucial for sitting-to-standing aids to ensure that good posture is used. This patient turner encourages a natural standing and sitting position at either end of the transfer process, minimising the risk of injury.
This patient turner is extremely easy to get up and running for you, with few adjustments necessary. Once the height of the leg support and handle are set correctly, the Etac Turner Pro will be optimised for your patient, providing the most efficient transfer possible. This means that the transfer can be performed safely, and the caregiver can maintain eye contact and communication with the patient throughout.
Different patients have different needs when it comes to patient transfers, so it's important to be prepared to cater to all of them. The orange handle of this device provides a strong, high contrasting colour which can help users with impaired vision or dementia. The handle also offers a wide array of grip option for the patient and carer, allowing for a versatile and adaptable transfer.
The Etac Patient Turner Pro is suitable for all environments, and can be packed up and moved at a moment's notice. The cast aluminium base plate with integrated anti-slip function is easy to turn, making the movement pleasant for patient and carer alike. The small size of the plate makes it perfect for use in tight spaces, and together with the wheel, works well on a multitude of different flooring materials, including carpets.
With a lightweight design weighing only 7.kg, this system is easy to transport and move between different environments. Compact, balanced and easy to grip, any member of a care team will be able to carry this turner easily and efficiently.