Umbilical Catheters - Pack of 15

Umbilical Catheters - Pack of 15


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Umbilical Catheters

Single, double and triple lumen umbilical catheters

VygonsÕ umbilical catheters are expertly designed for use with small neonates who need venous or arterial catherisation after birth. Complete with cm markings for accurate catheter placement, they have been designed for use within the cardiovascular phase of ÔThe Golden Hour of careÕ after a baby is born.

Product Summary

    Umbilical catheters

    Vygons Umbilical catheters are available in radiopaque polyurethane (PUR) or PVC and come with single, double or triple lumens. With markings every centimetre, they feature a soft green distal tip to allow easy introduction and removal.

    Technical Info

    UOI Units: Box

    UOI: 10

    Contains Latex: No

    Contains DEHP: No

    Pyrogen Free: Yes

    Sterile Medical Device: Yes