Utilityramp Portable Mobility and Industrial Ramp
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Utilityramp Portable Mobility and Industrial Ramp
There are many types of ramps, and some are more suited to some jobs than others. The Utilityramp Portable Mobility and Industrial Ramp has been designed to cater for a diverse range of access requirements, ideal for both mobility and industrial needs.
The ramp features unique anti-slip Gripdeck technology for improved safety, and it is easy to transport between locations for deployment wherever and whenever it is required. Some lengths are also available with wheels, ensuring that the ramp can be pushed to the required location with minimal effort.
Warehousing and The robust Utilityramp ramp is an excellent industrial choice, allowing warehouse operatives to transport goods with ease. It can accommodate weight of up to 400kg, allowing trolleys and carts to be wheeled around without being hindered by steps, stairs, or raised levels.
The ramp is also great for storing in a goods or postal van where large items are being delivered. While many locations have good accessibility, not every drop-off point or delivery address will have step-free access; by storing the Utilityramp Portable Mobility and Industrial Ramp in the van, it can be deployed at short notice.
Improved Wheelchair Access
With a portable design that can be positioned and removed without difficulty, the Utilityramp Portable Ramp is a great option for increasing accessibility for wheelchairs, scooters, and other wheeled mobility aids. It can be placed over steps or up a raised step leading up to a doorway threshold. As the ramp can withstand wet weather, it can be left outside by the door to ensure it can be used at a moment's notice, whether at home, in a care environment, or in a public place.
Anti-Slip Gripdeck Surface
The surface of the Utilityramp is made from unique Gripdeck technology. The multi-directional grip surface improves safer use outdoors, and the weather-resistant nature of the grip increases both the safety and the longevity of the ramp.
This means that, even if the weather is wet and unpredictable, the ramp can be installed outside.
Wheeled Ramps
Some Utilityramps feature attached wheels. They can be pushed down to wheel the ramp into place, reducing the risk of tiredness or injury when transporting it any great distance. The wheels can then be flipped up so that the ramp can be placed where it is required, concluding a seamless transition from transportation to deployment.
Sizing Information
The Utilityramp Portable Mobility and Industrial Ramp has a width of 76cm (30 inches), and is available in a range of sizes. Ramps are provided either with or without wheels, depending on the model, with the following sizes available:
Ramps without Wheels
Length (cm/foot) Capacity (kg/stone) Weight (kg/lb)
90cm (3') 400kg (63 stone) 9kg (20lb)
120cm (4') 400kg (63 stone) 12.5kg (28lb)
Ramps with Wheels
Length (cm/foot) Capacity (kg/stone) Weight (kg/lb)
150cm (5') 400kg (63 stone) 15.5kg (34lb)
180cm (6') 400kg (63 stone) 19kg (42lb)
210cm (7') 350kg (55 stone) 22.5kg (50lb)
240cm (8') 300kg (47 stone) 25.5kg (56lb)
Please select your required size from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Please note that the image shows the Utilityramp Portable Mobility and Industrial Ramp with wheels; wheels are provided with every model excluding ramps with a length of either 90cm (3') or 120cm (4').