ReTurn 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid
Regular priceReTurn 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid
The ReTurn 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid is a multi-functional transportation platform that can facilitate patient transfer in those with mobility problems and aid in rehabilitation after injury or illness. The ReTurn 7500i allows a patient to stay at home for longer and prevents a carer from undertaking heavy lifting during patient transfer, while the adjustable design allows a patient to use their own strength, ideal for maintaining a certain level of independence and building muscle strength.
What's in the Box?
With your purchase you will receive:
- 1 x ReTurn 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid
- 1 x User Manual
Who Is the ReTurn 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid For?
The ReTurn 7500i is a standing aid that enables a patient to stand up from a wheelchair, chair or bed and move a short distance to a destination within a building. Its multi-functional design means that it can be used as both a transfer device and a rehabilitation aid, making it suitable for homes, care homes, care facilities and hospitals.
What Can the ReTurn 7500i Enable Patients to Do?
The ReTurn is multi-purpose, meaning that it can offer different things to the patient depending on their wants and needs. For example, if the patient suffers from mobility issues it can be used to facilitate:
- Standing training
- Transfer from bed to commode
- Transfer from rising to sitting down
- Transfer from sitting to rising
- Transfer from bed to wheelchair
- Transfer from wheelchair to toilet
- Transfer from wheelchair/bed to shower
- Positioning in the chair
The ReTurn 7500i in use as a bed to wheelchair transfer aid
Alternatively the ReTurn 7500i can be used as a rehabilitation device for patients who have suffered serious injuries, strokes or any other health condition that has impacted mobility. It can be used to rebuild strength in core areas and assist in getting the patient active again.
How Does the ReTurn 7500i Make My Job As a Carer Easier?
The ReTurn 7500i makes your job easier as a carer because it enables safe and easy transfer and eliminates the need for heavy lifting. The bars on the top of the 7500i enable the patient to use their own strength to safely lift themselves, while you provide support through stabilising and positioning the patient. Once the patient is standing and locked in place, you can move the patient from A to B by pulling on the same top bars that the patient used to pull themselves up.
How Easy Is the ReTurn 7500i Aid to Use?
The ReTurn 7500i is easy to use. As the video below demonstrates the ReTurn 7500i works by simply locking the patient in place and pushing or pulling them from place to place. It's designed to be easy to use and reduce the difficulties that may usually come into play because of heavy transfer.
How Much Movement Does the 7500i Enable For the Patient?
The ReTurn 7500i is intended for short transfers only, meaning that it isn't recommended for transfers that are further than the distance between a bed and toilet. However, wheels on the bottom of the device and a simple patient standing platform make the device incredibly easy to manoeuvre, suitable for rolls, turns and pivots even in smaller spaces. The device can be positioned incredibly close to the patient, helping to reduce the risk of injury during transfer.
How Is the 7500i Suitable as a Patient Transfer Aid?
The ReTurn 7500i has two uses. The first is use as a transfer aid, which can be facilitated by having the patient lock their feet into place before the carer can pull and push them from A to B. This helps to keep the patient in their own home for longer as it reduces the need for more specialist care.
How Is the 7500i Suitable as a Rehabilitation Device?
The second use from the ReTurn 7500i is for it to be used a rehabilitation device. It can be used to help a patient stand up, using core muscles in their arms, core and legs. This can help to return strength to areas that have been weakened because of injury or illness, making it one step in the journey to full recovery.
The ReTurn 7500i can be used as a rehabilitation device
Can I Adjust the 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid?
The 7500i is designed with an adjustable ladder, meaning that it should be suitable for most users of most heights. This doesn't include children, and the device is recommended only for use by adults. For full specifications please see the tab at the bottom of the page.
Why Is the 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid Safe?
The 7500i Sit-to-Stand Aid is designed for use by vulnerable patients, meaning that patient safety has been taken into account during the assembly of the ReTurn Aid. The stable and secure base plate is supported by two corner wheels and two large, fixed centre wheels that can be locked at any time to prevent movement. Large brake controls with anti-slip colour markings make movement easy and safe, preventing the device from accelerating to the point of no control.