Veinlite LED Skin Transilluminator
Regular priceVeinlite LED Skin Transilluminator
The Veinlite LED is the most powerful pocket transilluminator available today for vein imaging prior to vein access or for consultation with patients prior to varicose vein treatment. Its unique C-shaped design and side-transillumination method creates uniform lighting for vein imaging anywhere on the body.
Patented Side-Transillumination Technology Provides Uniform Illumination for Vein Imaging and Vein Access Anywhere on the Body
- Pediatric and adult vein access
- Venous access in ER and Oncology
- Neonatal transillumination
- Mapping of varicose veins
- Length: 10cm
- Weight: 70gm (3oz)
Use of two scientifically selected LED colors, orange and red, permits visualization of veins in light or dark pigmented skin. You can also use the Veinlite LED for standard through-the-body transillumination in children, babies and neonates. Solid-state LEDs used in the Veinlite LED create almost no heat
Pack Comprises:
- Veinlite LED
- Rechargeable lithium battery
- Charger unit
- 50 disposable patient covers
- weighs only 70 gm (3 oz)
- The device comes with a charger and single use plastic covers.
- Orange LEDs (12) for superficial veins and Red LEDs (12) for deep veins and dark pigmented skin
- Supplied with 50 patient covers