Pivotell Vibratime Vibrating Reminder Watch
Regular pricePivotell Vibratime Vibrating Reminder Watch
Pivotell Vibratime Vibrating Reminder Watch
The Pivotell Vibratime Vibrating Reminder Watch offers an easy way to keep track of when to take your medication. With a discreet and stylish design, the Vibratime Watch allows you to program in up to eight alarms for all day medication reminders.
What's in the Box?
Each purchase of the Pivotell Vibratime includes the following:
1 x Vibratime Vibrating Watch
1 x USB Charging Cable
1 x Black Silicone Strap
1 x Set of Instructions
(Optional) 1 x Additional Coloured Strap
Pivotell Vibratime Vibrating Watch USB Cable
How Does the Pivotell Vibratime Work?
The Vibratime allows you to set up to eight vibrating alarms, providing you with a discreet reminder to take medication, drink water or anything else important that you need to remember. At pre-programmed times the watch will vibrate for up to 20 seconds and the time will be displayed.
Who Can Benefit from the Vibratime Reminder Watch?
While the watch is especially useful for elderly users and children, anyone who has trouble remembering can benefit from Pivotell's Reminder Watch. Ideal uses include:
Medication Management: If you need to take medication a number of times a day the Vibratime Alarm Watch can help you keep track of your schedule.
Drinking Water: You can use the regular reminders of the Reminder Watch to ensure you stay hydrated through the day.
Reminders for Children: Whether your child needs to be reminded to use the toilet, or has a medication schedule when away from home, the Vibratime Watch can help them keep track even when you're not there.
Any and All Reminders: With multiple alarms this Reminder Watch can help you keep track of any important daily reminders.
Can This Watch Be Worn By Children?
Yes, the Pivotell Vibratime Watch can be used as a children's vibrating watch. This is a great way of reminding children discreetly to go to the toilet, to drink water, or to return home at a specific time.
What Colours Are Available?
The Pivotell Vibratime Vibrating Reminder Watch is supplied with a black strap by default, but an extra strap of your choice can be purchased alongside the watch. Additional straps are available in:
Please note that additional straps are an optional extra, and the default black strap will be delivered with all purchases.
How Strong Are the Reminders?
With strong vibrations that last for up to 20 seconds, the Pivotell Reminder Watch doesn't feature an audible alarm. This allows the reminder watch to be inconspicuous during your daily routine.
Does the Vibratime Watch Also Show the Time?
During normal wear the Vibratime resembles a plain wristband, but at the press of the right-hand button the time will be displayed. The watch also shows the time during alarms, helping you keep track between alarms.
The Pivotell Vibratime on wrist
Can This be Used for Children's Potty Training?
As well as reminders for personal medication, this watch is an ideal vibrating watch for potty training. Simply set the watch to your desired interval, to remind your child to use the toilet regularly.
Does the Vibratime Require Batteries?
Powered by a rechargeable battery, the Vibratime Watch can be charged via the USB connector provided. The battery level can be checked by pressing the right-hand button twice. With a battery life of up to several days, the watch can be fully recharged in two hours.
How Long Will the Vibratime Last Before Charging?
As the Vibratime can be charged, it means that it doesn't require batteries. Depending on how many alarms you use, it will take approximately six days before your watch will require recharging. It will take around two hours to charge.
What Size is the Pivotell Vibratime Watch?
The Pivotell Vibratime Watch is designed in one size with an adjustable strap that should fit most users. The strap is approximately 21cm long. To wear the watch, you need a wrist circumference in-between:
Minimum wrist circumference: 13cm
Maximum wrist circumference: 21cm
Key Features of the Pivotell Vibratime Watch
Up to 8 alarms for multiple reminders
Secure buckle fastening
Supplied with a flexible black silicone strap
Additional straps available in five colours
Easily programmed with two buttons
Rechargeable design eliminates the need for batteries
Supplied with a one-year warranty to give you peace-of-mind
CE certified
Is the Pivotell Vibratime Reminder Watch Waterproof?
While the Vibratime Watch is not waterproof, it does feature minimal splash protection. Please note that water damage will invalidate your warranty.