PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100
PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100

PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100


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PocketLab Fentanyl test - Pack of 100

A kit for conducting a quick and easy test, to see if a powder has any fentanyl in it, or has been in contact with fentanyl.

Simply take a small sample of the powder on the cotton bud, add it to the buffer solution, and then test with the strip as per the instructions.

The strip is a highly sensitive urine test - detecting as little as 1000 ng/ml of fentanyl. This may be too sensitive, and could possibly pick up levels of fentanyl that are well below psychoactive doses from the air, or contamination of powder during handling in the supply chain.

SureScreen are developing a less sensitive test that will be less susceptible to false positive tests. We will stock this as soon as it's ready. Fentanyl is relatively rare in the UK and environmental contamination is less likely to occur than it is in the US or Canada, where fentanyl is more common.

These tests do NOT tell you how much of the substance being screened for is in your sample, but can at least give some reassurance, if negative, that there are no potentially fatal traces of this highly lethal opiate analogue in your drugs.

Can also be dipped into urine, post dose, to see if a recently taken drug contained fentanyl.

  • Use the cotton bud to swab a wrap, area, or substance;
  • Snap the swab into the buffer solution;
  • Shake buffer solution with swab inside;
  • Take the cap off the solution, and dip the strip into the buffer; and
  • Wait for result.